Picture it

Someone reading a copy of your book at a cafe. Tears streaming down faces in the audience when your screenplay premieres at an indie film festival. A theatre full of people smiling, laughing, clapping at the end of your musical.

Deep down, you know this possibility exists at some level (and you want it so badly). The problem is that you just haven’t been able to bring it to life… yet.

Do you struggle with your goals?

  • Do you avoid making decisions and taking action?
  • Are you questioning whether you have what it takes?
  • Do you blame yourself for not being further ahead?
  • Are you sick of being angry and frustrated with yourself?

If any of the above sound familiar and you’ve had enough, schedule a free strategy session today and discover how you can break free from these patterns.

“Before we started, I wasn’t sure if you could really help me. But after working with you, I’ve realized that achieving my goal is possible.”


Stop getting distracted by all the noise


Everyday stress, negative mental chatter, and everyone else’s opinions have been drowning out your inner knowing.

It’s time to reconnect.


Meet your guide

Hi! My name is Aili Kuutan.

I can help you do what you feel called to do (no matter what you’ve been telling yourself).

I’m a coach, mentor coach, and Kundalini yoga & meditation teacher (with a degree in Engineering).

On top of that, I understand the anger and frustration you feel from not knowing how to get out of your own way.

I know how overwhelming it is to keep blaming yourself for not having what you want . . . and for questioning whether or not you even deserve it.

I can help you filter the noise inside your head so that you know what direction you want to go in and build momentum to get there.

“Aili helped me discover things about myself that I didn’t realize about who I am. Those insights have changed my life.

Now what I do has real meaning and intention.

I feel more in control of my life and empowered to do what I want. Instead of letting life happen to me, I’m creating it.”


What makes this so different?

You’ve probably read books or taken courses that didn’t work, and are wondering how this will be different. 

Here are a few answers to that question:

This isn’t about learning anything new.
It’s about changing what you think and do about your challenges.

This isn’t about adding more stuff to your to do list.
It’s about actually moving forward in the direction you want to go.

This isn’t about setting goals and then forcing them to happen.
It’s about making life feel like an amazing adventure.

This is ultimately about becoming the person you were meant to be: the you that YOU love.

What’s it costing you to stay stuck?

How many opportunities are passing you by? What’s it like to focus on what’s not working and everything that could possibly go wrong? How is being hard on yourself working for you?

Fear, doubt and negative self-talk may already be costing you a lot.

What would be possible for you if you could let that go?

“This has been life-altering for me. Now I enjoy things I used to fear, and I didn’t even think that was possible.”


Let’s talk about the possibilities.

Be the best version of yourself

  Define success on your own terms
   Trust and act on your inner guidance
   Feel at peace with yourself


Take the next step right now

Book a free strategy session to see if coaching is right for you.

This is a one-on-one coaching session to help you deal with fear, doubt and negative self-talk.

There’s no pressure, just coaching to see if we’re a good fit.

I only work with people who are ready and willing to change. If you are, let’s talk and see how we can work together.